Every single person has a story, it’s their own superhero evolution story. It explains how they became who they are and why they do what they do. But so many people waste the opportunity to share their journey authentically. They use the stage as therapy, tell a story without a point or come off like they are boasting.
So how do you tell your story the right way?
I have helped soooo many one-on-one coaching clients EXTRACT and EXECUTE their story. Some simply for their private processing, others for big business stages to promote what they do or to infuse into their keynote speeches as speakers. Some people just want to learn to tell their story so they can share it on social media in a way that lands right every time.
What is the Speak Your Truth experience?
Day 1 | Sunday 14th August 2022 at The Great Room Centennial
9:00am Registration
9:30am Group Introductions
10:30am How to harvest your story
11:30am Work in small groups to craft your story
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 4:30pm Perform the draft of the story to the group
4:30pm - 5:30pm Public speaking skills and how to perform, rehearse, and stage your story
Day 2 | Saturday 20th August 2022 at a private room at Riviera Singapore
5pm - 8pm Storytelling of each participant
8pm - 10pm 3-Course Fine Dining Dinner
It's Time to Speak Your Truth
After the first weekend, each participant has one week to practice their story at home before the following Saturday’s dinner in a private room at Riviera, one of Singapore’s most incredible restaurants, where they will share their stories with the group.
5pm - 8pm Storytelling of each participant
8pm - 10pm Dinner
I still remember the first time I told my story on stage in 2018 for Google. It was one of my first speeches and I was terrified. It was the first time I told my absolute truth in public, I didn’t speak to shape my CV or share my achievements. I didn’t paint myself out to be perfect, I was also vulnerable. But vulnerable in just the right measure. The story went viral on LinkedIn and overnight I began to be seen as a speaker, even while still at my former full time job. Your story is what people connect with, if it is told in a way that lands just right, it could just change your life.
About Simone Heng
Simone Heng is a human connection specialist and former international broadcaster for Virgin Radio Dubai, HBO Asia, and CNBC, among others. With over 15 years of experience around the world as a communicator on-air, on stage, and one-on-one, connection has always been her life’s work.
As a speaker, Simone inspires people to connect in a world thirsty for connection. She has spoken to audiences of thousands and for clients that include Google, Lucasfilm, Adobe, Salesforce, SAP, TEDx, SXSW and The United Nations. Simone and her work have been featured in Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, CNN, and many more.
Simone is based and was born in Singapore, studied in Switzerland, raised in Australia and worked in the United Arab Emirates. This journey required her to develop deep intercultural understandings which have allowed her to communicate and connect with hugely diverse audiences.
In 2020, Simone created the CourageousSpeaking.com Community, an online membership centred on presentation skills, which aims to empower people all around Asia to connect with their authentic voice.
Simone has a Communications and Cultural Studies degree from Curtin University of Technology and has studied speechwriting in London under Tony Blair’s former speechwriter, Phillip Collins. She is currently pursuing a certificate in Higher Education Teaching at Harvard University.
She uses her 100, 000 strong social media community to spread the message of connection and communication.
As Featured In

Here’s proof:

Weekend One at The Great Room, Centennial
Weekend Two at Riviera
If you’re looking to wipe away the trauma of 2021 or share how it shaped your business or your world, then this is the way to kick off 2022.
Trust me, there’s never been a storytelling workshop like this.
So what do you get:
Guidance with Simone on your bespoke story. Normally $1,500 USD per hour. This whole experience is 13.5 hours - $20,250 USD
3-course fine dining dinner at Riviera $200 SGD
Lunch, drinks and all refreshments $100 SGD
Lifetime membership to CourageousSpeaking.com Community $7,500 SGD
Courageous Speaking goodie bag $100 SGD
A full day of luxury personal development at The Great Room Centennial
The priceless catharsis of telling your story in a way that does justice to your experience
Presentation and public speaking secrets you can use for a lifetime